Драйвер Intel Intel USB 3.0 Driver для Windows 7

НаименованиеIntel USB 3.0 Driver для Windows 7
Дата добавления18.05.2015
ОписаниеThis download record provides the Intel USB 3.0 driver version for Intel Desktop Boards.

The system must contain one of the following Intel Chipsets/Processors:

- 4th generation Intel Core Processor Family
- Intel 8 Series/C220 series Chipset Family
- 4th Generation Intel Core Processor U-Series Platform I/O

This download is valid for the products listed below:

- Intel Desktop Board DB85FL
- Intel Desktop Board DH87MC
- Intel Desktop Board DH87RL
- Intel Desktop Board DQ87PG
- Intel Desktop Board DZ87KLT-75K

Имя файлаUSB3.0_Win7_2.5.0.19.zip
Поддерживаемые ОСWindows 7/7 64 бит
Размер5.3 МБ
Поддерживаемые устройстваНе задан
Количество скачиваний31
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