Драйвер Intel MSI B75MA-E33 Intel SBA Driver

НаименованиеMSI B75MA-E33 Intel SBA Driver
Дата добавления13.01.2015


- In certain conditions, this warning message was shown even though the reasons for displaying the message did not actually occur: “Software Monitor detected that the Intel Small Business Advantage service was stopped”. The incorrect messages were sometimes shown after normal shut-downs of the computer, or after resuming from the S3 to S5 power state. Now the message will only be shown if Software Monitor detects that the Windows based service of Intel SBA was specifically forced to stop. Normal computer shut-downs and moving between power states will not cause the message to show.
- The USB Blocker “Allow Always” option was not correctly unblocking devices of the Audio/Video type. These devices remained blocked the next time they were inserted into the same port on which they were originally blocked.
- After installing the Windows 8.1 Update 1, Intel SBA was failing to start. This problem occurred only on comput

Имя файлаintel_sba_mb.zip
Поддерживаемые ОСWindows 7/7 64 бит / 8/8 64 бит / 8
Размер85.1 МБ
Поддерживаемые устройстваНе задан
Количество скачиваний1
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