Драйвер Other Updater CamRanger контроллер встроенного программного обеспечения 10

НаименованиеUpdater CamRanger контроллер встроенного программного обеспечения 10
Дата добавления24.09.2016

Version 10:

- The latest CamRanger firmware version. Includes support for certain Nikon D5, D7200, and Canon 1DX II, Canon 80D features, and the ability to send images to an FTP server or DNP printer without a separate device (for experts only).

Firmware version 10 now enables the CamRanger to send images directly to an FTP Server or print to a DNP Printer without the normally connected tablet/smartphone/computer.

About Device Firmware:

Applying a newer firmware version than the one already installed on your unit can bring various enhancements, include workarounds for diverse problems encountered by the device, and improve or add newly developed features.

On the other hand, downgrading the firmware version can recover the device’s functionality in the event of a software update either turning up faulty or causing the unit’s overall performance to drop. However, bear in mind that applying an older firmware isn’t recommended and might not always be possible.

When it comes to the update steps, due to the large variety of devices and numerous ways for installing a new firmware, it is recommended that you carefully read and understand the upgrade steps, and consider applying a different firmware only when you have familiarized yourself with the update method.

As the installation process is most of the times quite risky, this step should be taken by users that have the ability to successfully complete the update; regular users may initiate it at their own risk. Moreover, it’s best that this task be performed in a steady power environment such as the one ensured by a UPS unit.

Therefore, if you consider applying this release, hit the download button, take into account all the aforementioned aspects, and update the device’s firmware. Also make sure you constantly check with our website to ensure that you don’t miss a single new release.

It is highly recommended to always use the most recent driver version available

Do not forget to check with our site as often as possible in order to stay updated on the latest drivers, software and games

Try to set a system restore point before installing a device driver

This will help if you installed a wrong driver

Problems can arise when your hardware device is too old or not supported any longer

CamRanger Firmware Update CamRanger Firmware Updater CamRanger Controller Firmware CamRanger Firmware Updater Controller

Имя файлаCamRangerFirmware10.zip
Поддерживаемые ОСWindows 7/7 64 бит / 8/8 64 бит / 8.1 / 8.1 64 бит / 10/10 64 бит
Размер23.8 МБ
Поддерживаемые устройстваНе задан
Количество скачиваний0
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