Драйвер LGMOD LGMOD TV S7 Чипсет Firmware 1.0.11 Альфа 4

НаименованиеLGMOD TV S7 Чипсет Firmware 1.0.11 Альфа 4
Дата добавления24.09.2016

LGMOD is a modded rootfs for LG TVs models based on MStar Saturn 6 and 7 chipsets.


1) changelog.txt updated - I hope, it is better now.

Note: extroot archive is (was) optional but also some modules were moved there. Another way: copy needed modules in directory "/mnt/lg/user/modules/" (modules needed for network shared folders will be loaded automatically)

Note: careful with extroot.sh script - maybe you do not want to format 'sda1' partition - FAT.

2) Install script from LGMOD 1.0.10 maybe did NOT backup all 25 partitions. Please check.

3.1) With newest FW versions (after Nov-2011), if you see error msg like: "ERROR(28): md5 mismatch: /mnt/lg/lginit/lginit" - then you could continue and try again with "lginit=mtd4_lginitZ.sqfs". (It will write image without "lginit" binary file. Your FW have different/unknown file... anyway you already have backup and that binary is almost never used).

3.2) If you installed older LGMOD and there was error message "wrong lginit md5sum" (just few rare cases!!), please run install with "lginit=mtd4_lginitB.sqfs" (letter 'B', default is 'A').

Supported TV models:

- LGMOD is compatible with all MStar Saturn 6 and Saturn 7 based models ('At the moment EUROPEAN ONLY'):

'WARNING: TV models which have R letter at the end of the model marking are NOT supported. For example: 50PJ350R - is not supported. R models are Saturn 4 based.'


1. Install for the first time - prepare TV:

- In TV menu "IN START"/"System 1" - set "Debug status" to "EVENT"/"DEBUG" (you can use PC audio out with ir diode from old remote control)

- In serial terminal (putty) press F9 and press F10 - you will see ":debugMain $" (you need RS232 serial cable)

- In debug, run 'sh' command to start shell. If 'sh' command is missing, then try:call debug_os_shell+0xb0

You will see linux shell prompt: "/mnt/lg/lginit #" (or "/lgsw #").

2. Prepare dedicated USB drive:

- You need one FAT32 partition with min free space ~160 MB - full backup of all 25 TV partitions.

- Extroot archive have programs which does not fit in TV root partition.

- You need second partition with min size ~160 MB (EXT2/EXT3 because FAT/NTFS does not support sym.links).

Note: Installation script does NOT write log file! Save the log from serial terminal program (or setup logging to file).

3. Install/Upgrade LGMOD:

- Copy lgmod_S7_#.sh.zip and lgmod_S7_extroot.tar.gz to USB drive - FAT32 partition

- Attach the USB drive to TV and extract lgmod_S7_#.sh.zip archive:

sh lgmod_S7_#.sh.zip

- If installing LGMOD for first time - create full backup. In TV linux shell run:

sh /mnt/usb1/Drive1/install.sh backup

- Install LGMOD - flash lginit and rootfs partitions. In TV linux shell run:

sh /mnt/usb1/Drive1/install.sh install

- You have to restart TV after install.

- To copy and verify your backup - use TV remote control and safely <eject> USB drive.

4. Upgrade LGMOD:

- Once LGMOD is installed, you can upload files using ftp, scp or webui.

You can run above commands in telnet (recommended) or webui "tools/run".

Note: extroot setup script is interractive - do _not_ run it from webui.

- To force full backup run: install.sh noinfo backup

5. Extroot: format EXT2/EXT3, extract and setup:

- If you like, prepare manually EXT2/EXT3 partition and extract extroot archive to '/extroot'.

- In TV linux shell run: /home/lgmod/extroot.sh /mnt/usb1/Drive1/lgmod_S7_extroot.tar.gz

- Be careful, script will ask you: to format EXT2/EXT3 partition; to delete old extroot directory

- Finally, script will update extroot config file (/mnt/lg/user/lgmod/extroot)

- You can try it - upload the info file to pastebin.com using wget from extroot:

/home/lgmod/info.sh paste

About TV Firmware:

By upgrading your TV firmware version, you will benefit from improved image quality, fixed various noise issues, enhanced Internet connectivity (if available), boosted stability and usability level, as well as from several other changes.

Имя файлаlgmod_S7_10011.sh.zip
Поддерживаемые ОСOS Independent
Размер9.2 МБ
Поддерживаемые устройстваНе задан
Количество скачиваний3
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