Драйвер Elantech Toshiba Elantech TouchPad Driver

НаименованиеToshiba Elantech TouchPad Driver
Дата добавления26.04.2016
ОписаниеSome Toshiba Web packages install using the InstallShield installers rather than the WinBatch-based Toshiba Unattended Installer. Because of this, it is not possible to have these Web titles perform a seamless silent install from the WinZip self-extracting Zip package. Still, a silent install can be achieved with these packages.

To do so, you'll need to manually extract the downloaded archive using WinZip or an equivalent UnZip utility. It helps if you extract the archive into its own directory. Once extracted, change to the directory where you extracted the archive and run:

setup -s

either from the command prompt or your script. This will start the InstallShield installer in 'silent' mode, accepting all defaults and suppressing all prompts. You (or your script) will be responsible for performing any reboots which may be required.
Имя файлаtc40218200d.exe
Поддерживаемые ОСWindows XP / Vista / XP 64 бит / Vista 64 бит / 7/7 64 бит / 8/8 64 бит / 8.1 / 8.1 64 бит
Размер123.8 МБ
Поддерживаемые устройстваНе задан
Количество скачиваний0
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