Драйвер Intel Advantech SOM-7562 Intel AHCI Driver

НаименованиеAdvantech SOM-7562 Intel AHCI Driver
Дата добавления21.04.2016
ОписаниеThis driver package provides the necessary installation files of Advantech SOM-7562 Intel AHCI Driver

If you already installed a previous version of this driver, we recommend upgrading to the last version, so you can enjoy newly added functionalities or fix bugs from older versions.

We highly recommend using this package only for the hardware and software that meets producer's requests. Before installation, please make sure that you're not already running a newer version of the driver.

Installation steps (for exe / zip):

1. Save the driver files to your computer.
2. Run the executable or extract the installation files to a location on your disk.
3. Follow the steps displayed by the setup wizard.
4. After installation, restart the computer.

Important notes:

- Before installation, save all your work and close all the running programs, as the installation may interfere with other apps;
- If the setup wizard requests Administrative rights, make sure to run the setup as Administrator;
- Pay attention to all installation instructions to make sure the driver is installed correctly;

About AHCI Driver:

When you install an operating system, SATA settings (be it AHCI, RAID, or IDE mode) are detected from the BIOS. If you want to change from one mode to another after the OS has been applied, appropriate drivers are required.

Bear in mind that if you modify these settings without installing proper files first, the operating system will not be able to boot until changes are reverted or required drivers are applied.

To perform the latter task, get the package, run the available setup and follow the instructions displayed on-screen for a complete installation. Afterwards, perform a system reboot so that all changes take effect, enter BIOS menu, and set the SATA option to the mode that best describes the newly applied drivers.

So, if you intend to modify the SATA settings to the mode described by this release, click the download button, and make the desired changes. In addition to that, don’t forget to constantly check with our website so that you don’t miss a single new release.

Имя файлаSOM-7562AHCI.rar
Поддерживаемые ОСWindows XP / Vista / XP 64 бит / Vista 64 бит / 7/7 64 бит
Размер14.1 МБ
Поддерживаемые устройстваНе задан
Количество скачиваний2
Вы можете скачать драйвер Intel Advantech SOM-7562 Intel AHCI Driver с сайта производителя нажав на кнопку "Скачать".