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Mad Freebording Snowboarding Android
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Описание Mad Freebording is a skating game featuring the new sport Freebording. It feels like snowboarding the streets. This game offers over 30 missions on 18 levels, large variety of clothes and items, realistic levels and pure fun. Ride, level up, improve your skills, customize your clothes and get involved with the world of freebording! This game is the successor of Freebord The Game. Available for iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, Browser, Windows, MacOS
Поддержка операционной системы Android
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0/5 подсчитано на основе 0 голосов.
Собственность adm
Версия программы 1.53 (Sep 01, 2013)
Тип лицензии Freeware
Язык программы English
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Дата создания Nov 29, 2015
Имя Автора Denis Lapiner