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Mac Hard Drive Repair
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Цена $45.00
Описание Damaged files recovery software has advance facility to deeply scan inaccessible pen drive to restore corrupted images even when files are permanently deleted. Apple Mac data retrieval software has non destructive utility to recuperate lost images without any changes made in original file functionality. User friendly damaged files recovery software restore erased media files from formatted USB digital media storage drive in few mouse clicks.
Поддержка операционной системы Mac OS X, Mac Other
Системные Требования 256Mb RAM, 18Mb disk space
  • 0/5
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
0/5 подсчитано на основе 0 голосов.
Собственность adm
Версия программы (Mar 19, 2012)
Тип лицензии Shareware ($45.00 USD)
Язык программы English
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Дата создания Nov 25, 2015
Имя Автора Mac Hard Drive Repair Repair Hard Drive Mac