Focus Genie v2.1 - System Utilities::Other Software Make any window stay on Top, automatically sets the focus of an application as your mouse passes over it. To disable Focus Genie, just hit Ctrl-Shift-F and hit Ctrl-Shift-F again to enable it. If you would like an application to Stay on Top then just hit |
Post it Note Genie v2.1 - System Utilities::Other Software Post it Note Software lets you write notes and post them to you computer monitor, the notes are automatically saved as you type them. Note options can be reached by right clicking on a note, Post Note Genie 2.1 Enables Notes to Stay On Top. It will also d |
Mouse Keyboard Wizard v2.1 - System Utilities::Other Software Lets you type using your mouse. The keyboard can be customized. The Keys can moved around, hidden and resized. Any letters you click on will be sent to the last application that had focus Mous |
Macro Keyboard Mouse Recorder Wizard v2.1 - System Utilities::Automation Tools Software Macro Wizard Keyboard Mouse Recorder 2.1 lets you record and play back keyboard and mouse actions. Also has Hot Keys that enable you to Run Marcos, Run Applications, Send a string a text, Send Key Strokes too.  |
Clipboard Genie v4.1 - System Utilities::Clipboard Tools Software Saves Clipboard Text and Graphics automacitally. Simply click on the text or graphic in the list box. It is copied to the Windows Clipboard. Also a scrolling method that enables you to scroll through the Clipboard buffer using hot keys F6 and F7. Hot Key |