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Live2support Live Chat Software
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Цена $9.90
Описание Enhance sales and advance customer support delivery by adding live chat to your website. Observe visitors on your website in real time. Interact proactively through chat invitations. Entirely customizable visitor interfaced. One click installation within minutes. Transfer chats to other operators, canned responses, view visitor's geographic location, IP address, referrer and duration of chat session. 15 - Day no-risk free trial.
Поддержка операционной системы iPhone, Mac OS X, Unix, Win2000, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Win98, WinVista, WinVista x64, WinXP
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0/5 подсчитано на основе 0 голосов.
Собственность adm
Версия программы 3.1 (Sep 14, 2010)
Тип лицензии Shareware ($9.90 USD)
Язык программы English, Spanish
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Дата создания Nov 12, 2015
Имя Автора Sales Manager