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Bulk Mac Mail for Leopard
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Цена $97.00
Описание Bulk Mac Mail for Leopard lets you send personalized mass email messages using templates with multiple custom fields from the recipient database inside your messages. It automatically converts such templates to series of personalized messages by replacing macros with the real data taken from the database. It lets you import your customer lists from files of any type and delivers most of your messages to the destination.
Поддержка операционной системы Mac OS X, Mac OS X 10.4, Mac OS X 10.5, Mac OS X 10.6, Mac OS X 10.7, Mac OS X 10.8
Системные Требования n/a
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0/5 подсчитано на основе 0 голосов.
Собственность adm
Версия программы 4.25 (Apr 15, 2013)
Тип лицензии Shareware ($97.00 USD)
Язык программы English
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Дата создания Nov 18, 2015
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