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Inbox Repair Tool
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Цена $69.00
Описание Outlook PST files stores entire email conversations and business information like appointments, journals, calendars, contacts, sent items, tasks, etc. So, if the corruption hits the PST files, then entire email items are also infected. To repair PST files consistently, deploy the Inbox Repair Tool which flawlessly regenerate email items while securing the email meta-data like to, subject, cc, bcc, from, date, and attachments, etc.
Поддержка операционной системы Win2000, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Win98, WinServer, WinVista, WinVista x64, WinXP, Win8, Win8.1, Win10
Системные Требования Pentium Class Processor, 256 MB RAM, 50 MB Space
  • 0/5
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
0/5 подсчитано на основе 0 голосов.
Собственность adm
Версия программы 15.9 (Jul 11, 2016)
Тип лицензии Shareware ($69.00 USD)
Язык программы English
Скриншот приложения
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Дата создания Nov 24, 2015 (Отредактировано Sep 12, 2016)
Имя Автора Inbox Repair Tool