

Soft Experience

Другие публикации этого издателя:

  1. WinTopMost Disable Close - Automatically manage programs to disable close button or set topmost not hidden
  2. SumInfos (Summary Information) - Utility to extract and collect file properties into a text file via batch cmd
  3. Rarissimo - File compression WinRar add-in packing also NTFS streams, Macintosh structures
  4. Kalimages PRO - Collect meta fields from digital images into SQL database for quick search
  5. MacVolumes - Reports Status of Macintosh volumes index on Windows NT or 2000
  6. MacNames - Macintosh file names conversion, rename invalid characters for Windows PC-MAC
  7. MacInfoTip - Display Type code, Creator code , Data fork size, Resource fork of Mac files
  8. MacExplorer - Access Macintosh files on Windows NT, 2000 or XP via a Windows explorer program
  9. KaliNews - Text processor to create stories tagged for easy publishing via mail or ftp
  10. Kalimages Foto IPTC editor em Portugues - Gerenciamento de imagens, fotos numa base de dados com editor e padrao IPTC XMP
  11. Kalimages Basic - Retrieve, edit, search pictures on IPTC metadata from your pictures folders
  12. Kalimages - Image indexation database, edit and search IPTC headers from photo digital files
  13. IDEM File Synchronization - Backup or synchronize files and folders - replication to local or network drives
  14. Fomdigests - Program to grep the fom-digests mailing list: Foundations Of Mathematics
  15. Delenda - Delete old files by date: creation, modification, last access, transfer, archive
  16. CrossIPTC - Convert IPTC text accent characters in images Mac to PC, synchronise XMP to IPTC
  17. Catalogue - Extract file metadata and Word properties, create HTML, XML, IPTC, XMP export
  18. BriefAudit - Audit last users and change dates, store this in comment meta field of documents