

SuperUtils.com Software

Другие публикации этого издателя:

  1. Win Eight Metro UI Switcher - A small freeware utility for enabling/disabling Metro UI of Microsoft Windows 8.
  2. Audiobook Downloader Pro - Downloader of free audiobooks from the LibriVox and Internet Archive catalogs.
  3. Uber Turing Machine - Turing machine simulator for students, academics, and programming enthusiasts.
  4. Audio Speed Changer Pro - Batch utility for speeding up audio files without changing the pitch (key)
  5. Mute on Lock - Extremely tiny utility to mute sound when you are locking your Windows session.
  6. Angel's Vox - The very first audio player designed specifically for listening to audiobooks.
  7. ExifCleaner - Enables you to remove individual Exif tags or to strip Exif data entirely.