

Ashkon Technology LLC

Другие публикации этого издателя:

  1. AllowBlock - Parental control content filter type software. Block or allow selected websites.
  2. Website Block - Block unwanted websites in Internet Explorer by http URL address or keyword
  3. WebAllow - Allow only selected websites to be visited in IE browser, block everything else.
  4. Web Search Bar - Search multiple search engines with a single click
  5. Translation Pad - Translation software supporting 34 languages.
  6. Stock Ticker Application Bar - Stock ticker that displays scrolling stock and indices quotes on your desktop
  7. Stock Sector Monitor - Personal financial software to monitor stock market industry groups performance
  8. Stock Quotes Pro - Download historical quotes of stocks, indices and mutual funds.
  9. Stock Predictor - Stock market charting and investment strategies backtesting software
  10. Simple Startup Manager - Startup manager for your PC. Edit, backup and restore your startup configuration
  11. RebootEx - Schedule shutdown, reboot and relogon to your computer.
  12. News Ticker Application Bar - View the latest news headlines scrolling across your desktop.
  13. Income Tax Calculator - Instantly estimate your US federal taxes and find brakets (2002-2016 tax years)
  14. Historical Quotes Downloader - Download intraday or daily historical quotes of stocks and indices
  15. Easy Mortgage Calculator - Estimate your mortgage payments with this mortgage calculator
  16. Easy Currency Converter - View and convert currency exchange rates with instant exchange rates update
  17. Easy Credit Card Checker - Instantly verify Visa, MasterCard, Diners Club, AMEX and other credit cards
  18. CharTTool - Stock charting software that charts world stocks and indices intraday or daily
  19. Ashkon Stock Watch - Advanced stock charting and technical analysis software
  20. Advanced Stock Bar - Advanced Internet Explorer plugin for stock market research