


Другие публикации этого издателя:

  1. Internet Checkers Buddy v2.1 - Games & Entertainment::Board Software - Checkers Game where you play your friend in checkers over the internet Internet Checkers
  2. Image Manager Buddy v2.1 - Business::Other Software - Image Manager Buddy 2.1 lets you sort pictures, moving or copying them to different directories Image Manager
  3. Web Page Change Monitor v2.1 - System Utilities::Other Software - Web Site Change Monitor 2.1 is a application that will monitor any web site and notify you when it changes by sound, email and message box Website Monitor
  4. The Popup Blocker Wizard v2.1 - System Utilities::Automation Tools Software - The Popup Blocker Stopper Wizard blocks Popup internet explorer browsers. Popup Stopper
  5. Picture Puzzle Wizard v1.2 - Games & Entertainment::Puzzle & Word Games Software - Picture Puzzle 1.2 This is Just a basic slide Game where you have to move around the pieces of the puzzle and try to put them in order. The games is simple free an fun. Try it out. You change the picture to another bit map .bmp - By: Number Boy - Thie program can read your mind(well sort of) - By: Vsisoftware.com
  6. Multiple Database Query Analyzer v2.1 - System Utilities::Other Software - Multiple Database Query Analyzer 2.1 supports qurries with diffrent types of databases. It supports Sql, Access, Oracle, MySql. It lets you have diffrent profiles to store data, also has options to hold querrys and export data. Hotkeys Buddy - automatically enters text and launches applications shortcuts - Vsisystems.com
  7. Email Template Buddy v2.1 - Communications::Other E-Mail Tools Software - Email Template Buddy 4.1 lets you create and manage email templates and also has find and replace options. Email Template