Другие публикации этого издателя:
- Toast - Extract any email addresses from text files/web. Validate, sort and remove dupes
- DM Broadcast - Send web messages and settings to your dreamboxes in massive way
- del3 - Deltree alternative
- DF_MailStuff - DF_MailStuff is a freeware .NET component useful to validate/check email address
- Split-IT - Great utility for splitting file into multiple smaller piece.
- DF_Resize - Auto resize the controls of your Visual Basic form when screen resolution change
- DF_Tetris - Classical Tetris a little bit arcade: enojoy it!
- DF_ProtectionKit - This is a software toolkit that allow any developer to protect its developed sof
- DF_Language - DF_Language gives you multiple languages to your Visual Basic projects
- AutoCenter - AutoCenter is a software for managing all your vehicles: personal or company'
- Archiver - Catalog and organize your disks collection
- Codice Fiscale - Questa utility e' stata creata per consentire il calcolo del codice fiscale
- MiniOffice - Quante volte ti e' capitato di cercare un CAP, oppure di dover calcolare un cfis
- DF_Encryption - All you need for encrypting data even for asp.net
- DF_ECR - Collega le tue applicazioni ai registratori di cassa
- DF_MiniOffice - DF_MiniOffice is a .Net DLL that contains a very rich Italian archive
- Fattura! - Fattura! e' un programma dal facile utilizzo, per la gestione delle fatture.
- Non toccare il mio computer! - Check out this screen saver "Don't touch my computer!"
- Passwords Manager - Passwords Manager is a professional software that protects passwords
- ALCA Gestione del tuo negozio - ALCA e' un programma per la gestione del magazzino