Другие публикации этого издателя:
- Bacteria Pairs - Help the lost identical bacteria twins find each other.
- Sudoku Countdown - How good are you at Sudoku? You can find out on this time based version.
- Sports and Entertainment Quiz - How much do you really know about your favorite bands or sportsmen?
- Silly Invasion - Silly Invasion is a fiery shooting game with a sense of humor.
- Explotris - Explotris is a block adjusting game with an explosive twist.
- Mouse Throwing - Throw a mouse in the air and watch how far it bounces.
- Just Breakout - Have fun as you breakaway with Just Breakout.
- History Quiz - How much do you know about history? Find out in this fun History Quiz.
- Geography Quiz - If you know your maps and landscapes, the Geography Quiz is the thing for you.
- General Knowledge Quiz - Test your smarts with General Knowledge Quiz and be rewarded with fun.
- Egg Rotation - Rotate eggs to make a link. Link some eggs to make eggs fall.
- Chicken Crossing - Why does the chicken cross the road? To catch the worm on the other side!
- Catch Up - Bounce the tomatoes on the fryer till they land on the table.
- Catch A Bee - Catch a Bee is a catchy game which makes time pass as fast as the bees fly past.
- Bird Hunting - A simple game that challenges your speed and accuracy as you shoot at birds.
- Bacteria Solitaire - Bacteria will accompany you while you play the classic game of solitaire.
- Arts and Literature Quiz - Think you know a lot about Arts & Literature? Take the Arts & Literature Quiz.