


Другие публикации этого издателя:

  1. Direct MP3 Splitter and Joiner - Join, combine, split or cut mp3 and wav sound files easily.
  2. Pistonsoft MP3 Tags Editor - Pistonsoft MP3 Tags Editor is a powerful audio file tags organizer.
  3. Direct WAV MP3 Splitter - Direct WAV MP3 Splitter is a solution for cutting music files in the MP3 or WAV format. It is aimed towards those who regularly work with unmanageably large music files, such as those created when recording from old media such as tapes or vinyls.
  4. Direct MP3 Joiner - Direct MP3 Joiner is an easy and fast audio tool to combine, merge, mix or join MP3 files.
  5. Direct MIDI to MP3 Converter - Pistonsoft today announces the release of Direct MIDI to MP3 Converter, version 7, a tool that makes the process of converting MIDI files to the much more functional MP3 format as well as to WAV, WMA and OGG formats as easy as a couple of mouse click
  6. Direct Audio Converter and CD Ripper - Direct Audio Converter and CD Ripper is real must-have software for people who cannot imagine their life without digital music.